Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Pepys' Diary

I have discovered that Pepys' Diary has been (or should I say 'is being') admirably translated to the blog format. Each day a new entry from the famous diary is added to the blog, which adds a dynamic interest.
Another advantage of this format is that both the creator of the blog and those reading it have added a considerable no. of annotations.
For example, in the entry for the 8th June 1661 which starts

'To Whitehall to my Lord, who did tell me that he would have me go to Mr. Townsend, whom he had ordered to discover to me the whole mystery of the Wardrobe',

we can see that Whitehall referred to the Palace, 'my Lord' was Sir Edward Mountagu (Earl of Sandwich and Master of the Wardrobe , was a distant relation of Pepys and they attended the same school at Huntingdon) and that Thomas Townsend was Clerk of the King's Great Wardrobe.

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