Wednesday, September 13, 2006

moby reflects on 9/11

Moby's birthday just happens to be on 11th September. In his journal on 9/11/2006 (or 11/9/2006 if you're in the UK) he bemoans the way that this day has been hijacked by the media.

i, for one, as a human being, an american, and a new yorker, am not in any way served by once again seeing the footage of the planes flying into the twin towers. i lived through it once, i don't need to be gratuitously reminded of what happened, as every time i look at the sky from my roof i see a giant hole where the world trade center used to be.
to be blunt, i'm tired of the media and the administration milking tragedy for their own transparent purposes.
we know what happened. we remember what happened. leave us alone to mourn and remember in peace.

You can read the whole journal entry here.

"Breaking news" is a photo he took of Bush on TV with the unintended truism of the Sky newsflash "Bush: One of the worst disasters to hit the U.S."

Happy Birthday, Moby.

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